Thursday, 4 February 2010

Does it Cut the Mustard?

I didn't actually get dressed until about 3pm today as I have been sorting my hair out in preparation for a charity party I am going to on Saturday. The event is to raise money for the Premature Baby Unit at our local hospital. I hadn't "done" my roots since November last year so I had my work cut out!

Using the good old cap and hook method I first did a load of strands with a mid brown Nice n Easy, rinsed, dried and repeated using bleach. I usually don't bother with the brown but I had a build up of highlights and needed to break the blonde up a bit. I'm really pleased with the result, it look natural and even and cost a lot less than a trip to the hairdresser.

I'm going to wear my hair up on Saturday, not something I am good at but I have been studying some online tutorials today's effort turned quite well.

I couldn't wait to wear my new dress, and am pleased to have something to wear the mustard tights with which I bought in the DP sale a while back. I was a little bit nervous stepping out with such bright legs but my trusty grey wooly cardi gave me a bit of a security blanket that kept me within my comfort zone.

Wow, that was hard, my first "proper" blog entry.

What have you done that pushed your boundries today?


  1. I love this outfit Vicki,
    and your hair! I'd never have the patience to do my own! Hurrah for first "proper" post too, I can't wait to see more :)

    Oh, and you are super pretty!


  2. That outfit looks fantastic! The tights look good too. Although I have a suspicion you'd look good in anything!


  3. Your hair is really pretty, I'd lov to be able to create my own updos, very funky outfit too am loving the tight - I wouldn't be brave enough x

  4. Liking the hair - did you look at some tutorials on You Tube then in the end? I have purchased a hair doughnut and some bumpits from Ebay today and am going to try using those for my up do.

    Like the outfit although I would never be brave enough to wear the mustard tights - though saying that I don't generally wear skirts anyway.

  5. Fab outfit, love the mustard yellow tights! Well done on being brave! Today I am stepping out in raspberry pink tights for the first time and quite liking it!

  6. A blogger, at last! You look wonderful as does the hair.

  7. This outfit is brilliant, I love it, and welcome to blog world :) (piratefairy) xx
